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All of the children are innocent and curious, but some children show up shy or introvert. Parents are curious and concerned about why their children do not interact with others.

In fact, the shy and ashamed tendency may appear temporarily, but if this tendency persists for a long time, it needs to be taken seriously. Some children may take a relatively long time to familiarize themselves and get used to it. Usually, however, these appear to disappear naturally as soon as they become comfortable and familiar. But if time is still shy, the role of parents can become important.

What is shyness?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), shyness is a feeling of tension or anxiety and awkwardness in the social encounter process. Especially when you are meeting new or unfamiliar people, talking, or working. If you are seriously shy, you may have physical symptoms such as a stomach disorder, cardiac tremor, sweating, and redness. In addition, these intense symptoms can also have an adverse effect on interpersonal relationships with others, which can also be a problem in social life.

Tendency and concerns of a shy child

In general, the propensity of shyness is usually regarded as having no major problems. Especially when children meet other strangers other than their parents or friends, it is usually difficult to get there from the beginning. In fact, children who are shy are considered to have a tendency to listen more closely to their opponents, and are not regarded as big problems in school.

However, this can be regarded as a considerable problem in terms of behavior or other aspects of the shy person. For example, they may be ashamed in shame and cause unhappiness themselves. It may also not be treated properly by other friends. This is a major concern for parents.

Children who are shy often tend to have fewer peers and tend to be alienated or excluded regardless of their age. When you make friends, of course, you have difficulties due to non-active tendencies. These concerns are also damaging to their sense, value, and emotional health. If this tendency does not disappear over time, it can develop into a bigger problem. As mentioned earlier, if a child is constantly shy, it can lead to a level of difficulty in daily life. Immediate help is needed at this time, but harsh and persistent shyness can affect the whole of your child's life. Some effects are introduced as follows.

- Less friends than non-shy friends.

- Opportunities to improve and improve social skills are reduced.

- Self is considered to be insignificant, in addition, self-esteem falls and loneliness increases.

- It suffers a high degree of anxiety.

- Because they are always afraid to be judged and judged, their ability to exercise their potential also decreases.

- There is less interest in engaging in fun and entertaining activities that require social interaction.

- The need to communicate with peers and other people is reduced.

However, shyness does not always lead to side effects. If the child is shy, there will definitely be a better part in school than the other children. Or more carefully than other peers, and this can be an advantage.

Causes of shyness

There are several common causes that make children shy. Usually, it appears as a combination of a specific reason or several factors, some of which are as follows.

Absence of social interaction: If your child has been isolated from others for a long time or if you are unfamiliar with the surroundings of others, you may lack the social skills necessary for easy and comfortable interaction with strangers.

- Personality: Every child has individual differences. Because the personality and personality are all different, some children are more emotionally sensitive and sensitive and can be shy.

- Harsh criticism: If you are bullied or harassed by other people, such as your parents, family, friends, etc., you may be low self-esteem and shy about other social factors.

- Fear of failure: If a child is actually being forced to do more than he or she is capable of, this emotion may appear as a shyness.

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