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Parents and children undergoing puberty struggle for pride. Parents set up stricter rules, and children begin to rebel against these rules. How can we improve the relationship between distant parents and children than ever before?

"A parent tries to control the adolescent child more strictly, but the child is already too covered, and the parents do not realize it. The child is less afraid of the rules and can leave the house whenever he wants. I want to go out with my friends but I want my child to be home when they want. Therefore, the rules that parents want are increasing. "

Puberty forming personality

In this period, they form a stable personality and have their own firm consciousness that is not similar to those around them. Although the process of personality formation takes place throughout a person's life, this process of teenage and early twenties is particularly important.

"There will be a time when a child wants to be alone in a room, does not share friendship and school life with his parents, or has no emotions," says Rebecca Fraser, a psychology professor at Bates University in the United States and writer of the Berry Well Family. "We will be confronted with parents who are interested in other religions, listening to music that parents hate, and wearing clothes that parents do not allow."

However, parents should not take any action. It is only a step in the life of a child and will soon pass, and the child will gradually adapt.

Though establishing personality is a process of defining teenagers and understanding oneself, parents sometimes worry about changes that happen to their children. So I will add more solid formulation and the child has a question. Eventually, the child and his parents struggle with self-esteem, resulting in bad results for each other.

The Woogo Post said the parents should be financially responsible for taking care of the child, but the child does not care about it.

Rearrangement for Children

1 Tells you why you created the rule

Parents need to understand why a child rebels against the rules. Of course, this rule is made for the child to wish for her success, but if she dislikes this rule, she needs to explain why she created the rule.

We hear story of two children

Parents should also listen to their children's stories. Let's ask if the rules are not unfair, and if so, why. It is a good way to let your child know why you are acting rebellious without hurting your heart.

3 Find what your child wants together

Another step that parents should take to avoid egoism is to help them find things they want to do in the future. If you help your child find what they want in the future, the relationship between the parent and the child will become more intense.

Teenagers tend to want to have relationships with others, and as they grow up, they expand relationships. Parents should help their child to have a healthy relationship with others. It is very important to build strong parent-child relationships and make sure that the child is not vulnerable or passive in social relationships.

Sometimes the most important thing is to listen to a child's story in order not to engage in a nervous battle with a teenager's child.

Even the rules that have already been established need to be changed for the child. Give your child his or her own space and listen to the story. It is first of all to postpone and sympathize to control, guide, judge and evaluate.

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