Discover the magic of Moontore – Your Gateway to the Lunar World

Photo Source: Pixar Bay

In the small brain of a newborn baby, words that people around you are spontaneously infused.

In the months after the baby is born, we can learn much more than we anticipate.

One study found that babies born in places threatened by beasts could climb trees in only half a year.

Babies generally pay attention to their attitudes and behaviors.

While we do not know it well, babies are observing our attitudes and behaviors.

A mother's child with a hearing impairment sometimes recognized her sign language. The child recognized the meaning of sign language and soon expressed himself with the newly learned sign language.

It is a testimony to the human intelligence that appears before the child learns to speak.

Another woman gave her a photo book and educated her to recognize the picture before she was two years old.

Soon after, the child could name and explain everything around the house. Recently, infants can attend kindergarten and participate in class.

Everything about early childhood learning must be fully committed to the caregiver or parent.

Each child is born with similar intelligence, and early activation of brain function leads to more skills and learning strategies.

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