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Dance lessons can help lower the risk of falls for the elderly.

Falls are the most common cause for British pensioners to be admitted to the emergency room, with approximately 5,000 deaths each year.

Muscles are naturally degenerating as they age, and there is a high risk of falls among the elderly due to loss of balance, vision problems, and side effects.

Dance scientist Dr. Emma Reding said tango and other social dance are slow and systematic dances suitable for the elderly. She said that these hobbies help balance her ankle and center power.

According to several studies conducted over several years, the dancing seniors improved their balance, posture, and their perception of their bodies.

In an interview with Daily Mail, Dr. Redding said, "You do not have to give yourself a lot of weight when you dance. Unlike walking, you can change your body to the left or right instead of the front. "

He pointed out that these movements can give people greater confidence when they move in their daily lives. "Preparing the posture is important for preventing falls in the elderly and it can safely protect the elderly," he said.

Dr. Redding also added that even people with dementia can feel a kind of warmth when they listen to music that they waltzed when they were young. Dancing also relieves the loneliness of the widowed. Tango and social dance should make more contact with the partner than dance like fast salsa.

Falls can be fatal to older people. Apart from bone fractures and wounds, falls reduce cognitive ability and eventually limit independence.

Many elderly people do not observe the recommendation to exercise 150 minutes a day with two strong exercises a week. Dancing is a good way to meet both.

Dancing also helps mental health. Dr. Redding added that regular dance classes give people who do not go out of their way the chance to dress up and cremate, so that older people will continue to attend classes.

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