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▲ Young mother holding a child (source = fix heir)

Not every parent can be the same. Parents express love in different ways to their children, and there are many ways to raise children. Not only are people's preferences different from each other, but there are also a variety of ways to cultivate children.

This means that culture influences parenting style. There are even households that follow a tradition passed across generations.

Cultural differences affecting parenting methods

Lisa Lewis, a pediatrician, studied how cultural differences affect the way children are educated 20 years ago. Dr. Lewis said, "I looked at the differences in how to raise children according to their cultures."

▲ A child with a teddy bear next to him (source = Pixar Bay)

Finding a Child-rearing Method for Your Child

"I was trained to let the child cry at the residence course," Dr. Lewis said. "Crying is a way to keep a child crying for a while before providing comfort to the child. We have to make the child cry in an independent room or bed. "

But when he was in Texas, Dr. Louis observed the crying children of an immigrant 's parents. Through this experience, he traveled the world and began studying different cultures and ways of benefiting children.

Children sleeping with their parents

After more than 20 years of research, Dr. Lewis advised parents to write a bed with their children. Dr. Lewis himself followed this method of nursing while nurturing his children. He says crying is used in some cultures, but it is not the only way to put a child.

Teddy Bear Culture and Top Targets

Dr. Lewis said he had observed the culture of using teddy bears. This is also called "culture up". Parents of these cultures believe that teddy bears can be used to relieve a child's separation anxiety. This is because they consider the children to be able to receive a teddy bear. In addition, there is a culture in which the British retain their objects until their children become adults.

Hugging and full parenting

In the UK, the Teddy Bear culture is common, but there are other cultures that use other methods to solve the child's separation anxiety. In Indonesia, for example, the hug method is used. This is a way to hold a child for a full year after the child is born. Indonesians believe that the child's feet should not touch the ground during the first 105 days after the child is born. Dr. Lewis calls this method "full parenting." This means that someone should always have a child.

"Children who are raised by hugging them unlike their anxieties do not grow into habitual or negative personality," Dr. Lewis explained. "What they want is food, nursing homes, health, and endless love."

Can the baby drink water?

The American Pediatric Association claims that parents should not give water to their children except for breastfeeding for about six months. But Dr. Lewis has argued that many mothers are already giving water to their children and that the children also seem to want water.

He explained that mothers want to use water to clean the tongue of a child, or that a child can keep enough water.

"By integrating other child care laws, mothers can give their children 10ml of water twice a day," Dr. Lewis said. "But we should not exceed this amount."

However, pediatricians pointed out that the amount of water proposed by Dr. Lewis should provide direct evidence of how it can affect the child.

Difference in parenting method

According to the University of California, Turo, parents want their children to grow up as capable adults. However, the meaning of being a productive and capable member in society differs from culture to culture. How important is family ties, financial stability, happiness, success, and faith? The researchers explained that the lifestyle and ethical consciousness of each culture are defined according to standards.

For example, the Kenyan Kishii people do not see the child's eyes. I believe that a child can grow up under the control of a nanny. Children in Argentina and Spain must stay awake until 10 pm. This is because it means that getting to bed early can not be part of the family.

"The criteria inherent in parental culture have a great impact on the way they think and act and lead to a child-rearing approach," the researchers at Tuuro University said.

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