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The single women in Britain have come to the conclusion that modern men have lost their gentlemanly elements,

In a survey conducted by a UK dating site, 73 percent of single women reported that their stories had disappeared.

This article does not mean that a knight in a horse armor saves a woman she loves, but rather a consideration that women feel in modern men.

According to the survey, 84% of single women wanted men to call when they had something to say, and 83% of women said they were thankful to men who asked if they had returned home safely after the date, and 80% I would like people who send thoughtful text messages.

Meanwhile, 82% of women said they did not want men who canceled their appointments without prior notice, and 78% said they prefer men who do not receive cell phones while on a date.

Women like to be treated like real women at every moment, but they do not want to be treated as children because they are independent.

39 percent of real women said they do not favor men who helped to wear a coat, 38 percent said that men do not need to take out their chairs when they sit down, and 45 percent say women are forced to order food first I can not.

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