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If you are the first parent to send your children to kindergarten, you may be worried that your child will not be able to make friends and be bullied. In addition, you will be more worried if your child has not learned how to make good friends, or if you are natural enough to be alone. Therefore, parents should teach their sociability so that their child is not likely to be left out of friends as much as possible.

Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, a professor at Temple University in the United States and an early childhood education researcher in the US, said in an interview with the media, "The important thing is to help children have the tools they need." This basic 'tool' includes 'sharing', 'moderation' and 'empathy' that parents should teach their children.

"To help your child get along with their peers, parents should be familiar with the class with their children and know what they like from their children," he said.

Parents ask their children the usual questions they would have with their peers, such as "Did you play with the ball at James and the playground" or "Did you share a snack with Annie?" The children then said, "I played with John, not James today" or "Yes. I ate snacks with Annie, and she handed me a peanut butter sandwich. "

Once you know who your child is hanging out with, or with which child you are a good friend, invite your child's friends home to make their friendship more intense.

But of course there are children who do not fit well with their friends and live alone. "In this case, parents should consult their child's teacher to determine if there are any psychological problems that need to be resolved," Hershey Pacek said. "Parents should work together to help their children develop their friendship."

Finally, Dr. Hershey Parsec said, "Do not take too seriously (even if your child can not make friends). Tomorrow will be a great opportunity to make friends, so we can change it again. "

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