Scientists say recent studies have shown that there is a planet in the Kuiper Belt beyond Pluto that has a size similar to Earth or Mars.
Researchers at the University of Arizona's Moon and Planetary Research Institute (LPL) have studied remote asteroids (KBO) in the Kaipper Belt region, which are orbiting the sun around an average, And confirmed the presence of the planet.
Co-author of the study and professor of planetary science at René Malhotra, LPL, says, "Imagine that there are a lot of spinning tops and you touch the spinning top lightly. Then, Will face the other direction, but on the average they will head toward the Earth's gravitational field. I think KBO's orbital axes will be at different angles, and on average these orbits will be oriented perpendicular to the plane determined by the sun and large planets. "
However, the researchers found that the orbit of the KBO at the farthest distance is 8 degrees out of alignment with the solar system constant surface. This implies that there is a larger object that draws a small-sized KBO into the gravitational field.
"The presence of invisible masses will be the best explanation for our observations," said Kat Volk, a senior researcher and postdoctoral researcher in the study.
"According to the calculated results, we need something that has a massive mass to bend the orbit of the asteroid," he added.