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The year 2018 is already half full. As the New Year begins, it is time to check whether the things you hoped for and your goals for your family and for yourself are doing well.

If you are a parent with children, you should have had a lot of determination and willingness for your new term or other parenting. It is no wonder that we have made efforts to set goals for our children and to carry out effective care for them. Parenting tips that will help all parents reach a bit closer to this goal this year will be revealed.

The need to set goals

It is very important to set up your own firm upbringing goals, rather than merely following the trend and putting them on board. This is because there is always room for improvement in all aspects of life, especially in family matters. Deciding on some minor parenting goals is just like parents' best willingness to family. Whether it is simple or complex, parents should always be patient and try to find and improve areas that can improve their child-raising.

A blogger writing a family-related lifestyle article said that a really important issue is not just achieving the goal, but setting the goal. Decisions made in the new year will last at least a few days to a few weeks, though not all year long. Most of them, however, have difficulty in achieving and achieving non-realistic goals, not realizable goals. It is pointed out that it is important to set reasonable and feasible goals.

In this regard, let's look at "reasonable, wise and feasible" parenting goals that can help general parents improve their quality of care and the quality of life for their entire family.

Expression of affection for children

There is nothing wrong with embracing hugging with children. The affection mark that parents show to their children has a great influence on the growth process of children. Many children have a desire to express emotional affection from their parents, and it is no problem for parents to show such signs of love to their children. If a child expresses love and affection everyday before going to school or before going to bed, the child can feel a positive emotional impact as he gets the impression that he is loved by his parents. Keep in mind that the word "I love you" is not always enough.

Share healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle does not have to be big. Just change your diet lightly so your family can stay healthy. Instead of eating fast food, everyone is gathering at home and eating their own meals. However, it must be consistent. Because it is important for the child to have a perception that eating is at home with the family. In addition, it is preferable to avoid beverages such as carbonated beverages and soda as much as possible, and these all cause many symptoms and diseases such as obesity and behavioral disorders, cavities, sleep disorders, and ADHD. Instead, it is much better to consume water or to make smoothies made from fruits and vegetables.

Keep calm

It is quite natural for parents to lose their temper, raise their voices, and express their anger at their children. Some strict parents also punish their children or use verbal abuse, which is an indication of their anger toward their child's wrongdoing.

But from this year on, let's not show all of these anger, let's breathe deeply and keep calm. If you express your anger by raising your anger up to the head, it may be helpful in your own health condition, but it only affects your mental health. No one can win in this situation. Instead, you have to be calm and calm and treat your child with reasonable thoughts and thoughts to get positive results for everyone.

Good time, the screen is far away

It is good to share everything with your child. Whether it's time to eat snacks or take a walk, or prepare a meal or ride a bicycle, you should try to spend quality time with your child face-to-face for more than 20 minutes each day.

However, keep in mind that watching a movie, TV program, or Internet video is a bad way to do it. This is completely separate from the strengthening of the bond between the child and the parent. Also, viewing screens of all electronic devices such as computers, TVs, smart phones, video games, and tablets for a long time is not very good for a child's health. This causes sleep disorders, obesity, physical activity deficits, and behavioral disorders. It is best to have something active together instead of just sitting with a child.

Interest and observation

Observing child care is very important for nurturing. There are many times when a child feels that his behavior is not right, but at this point, parents are not always able to teach and care for the child properly. However, parents should know that their children always need a parent. If your child shows signs of confusion, discomfort, or abnormally quiet, this is a signal that the child wants to say something to their parents. It should not be ignored or overlooked. It is time to stop all your work immediately and have a conversation with your child.

If you have neglected these things so far, let's not let your children suffer alone and let them carry their problems. It is a good idea to look closely at your child to see if he or she is sadder than usual and spends time alone, or is not whimsical. If you want to be a better parent, you should always watch your child from the side and be there when you need it.

Teachings to help your child grow

Adults are already mature in every way. I try to improve my own value by concentrating on earning money through my job, cultivating my appearance and learning new things. However, the life of the child is also a part of the parenting effort. It is important to instill a goal or dream that a child can achieve so that the child does not feel that his life is cliched.

For example, you can create rules or schedules that your child can use to study and teach them to experience academic achievement. Or they can teach you the right way to socialize in school or other social activities. It is also good to get involved in the work of parents, such as exercise, meal preparation, housework, and even parental occupation, so that they understand why they do this. If your child understands what your parents do together, it can provide you with a blueprint for how your child will live, as well as your bond.

In this set of teachings, a child should also be able to become accustomed to mistakes and defeats. Understanding that all human beings can make mistakes and experience failures in such mistakes is evidence that the child is growing even further.

Reading and studying child care books

Parenting is a very important task at the same time as the basic work of all parents on earth. However, nobody is doing this with professional training. Of course, there is no professional school to teach this. Most parents rely on friends, family, or other parents to provide parenting advice about their children, but it is also helpful to find and study materials that can help with parenting on their own.

Reading and learning a book is part of the most basic life. It is important to realize that childcare can also be learned through such learning. Breaking Busy Times When you read books on childcare, you can develop the ability to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right in light of your experience.

After all,

Most importantly, childcare is child care only. Keep in mind that you can do it yourself, simply and smartly, rather than complex. Instead of relying too heavily on other parents or professionals, you need to respond to your expectations and believe in your choices. Because his family knows himself better than anyone else.

It is important to practice what you believe is your choice and what you think is best for your family. Becoming a parent is a very hard job, and sometimes it can be the hardest thing in life. There is no need to be perfect. You can do what you believe to be truly important, and enjoy it comfortably.

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