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If a dog is coughing a lot, it can indicate that the dog is sick. Bronchitis, pneumonia or even heart disease should be suspected.

Dogs use their nose and mouth to explore the world with their nose and mouth. Therefore, puppies are more likely to suffer from diseases such as ▲ dust ▲ bacteria ▲ infantile disease. This is because when using social exchanges, you naturally smell and use your nose and mouth. For this reason, bacteria, including the flu, and viruses spread quickly among the dogs. Germs can be found on various surfaces such as ▲ floor ▲ furniture ▲ rice bowl ▲ toys.

Why does a dog cough?

Sometimes coughing is common in dogs. It is common to have nose 4 to 6 per second, but if this happens several times or it does not stop, you may have to take it to the hospital.

Cough can be caused by inflammation of the airways, pharyngeal inflammation, or discoloration. In vomiting and vomiting, coughing and sound can be heard alike. Also keep in mind that coughing can be a serious problem if the puppy breathes or changes the way you breathe.


According to the American Kennel Club, a deep, dry cough may be a symptom of bronchitis. A dog coughing is a disease caused by bacteria or various viruses and is highly contagious. It appears to be mild, but it can cause serious problems such as pneumonia or chronic bronchitis when the virus enters the lungs. Bronchitis can take place in a variety of places. It can become a day care center, and it can become a place where dogs gather. Coughing dogs is highly contagious, but in itself is not a serious problem. If you eat well and exercise, your symptoms will improve within 1 to 2 weeks.

Neck pain

A high voice or sputum coughing indicates that the upper respiratory tract may be inflamed, infected or partially blocked. These symptoms can mean that the puppy has either ▲ tonsillitis, mouth sores, sinusitis, or foreign substances blocking the neck. If foreign substances are present in the neck, it is very dangerous and hinders the passage of air and makes it difficult to swallow. Foreign substances in the esophagus can make life dangerous and should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as these symptoms are found.

Lung disease

A sputum cough may be a symptom of a lower infection or a problem with the lung. A ringing sound can be a sign that the lungs are full of water, and unlike other types of coughs, it is difficult for the dogs to breathe even when they are not coughing.

Some may have bronchitis or pneumonia. According to Pet MD, dogs swallow ▲ dust, grass seeds ▲ food, and these substances may be caught and cause inflammation in the airways. In very rare cases, cancer can be diagnosed.

Pneumonia occurs in dogs with weak immunity or immune system development. It is especially a disease that appears in very young puppies and dogs. Pneumonia in many dogs is caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, or vomiting, followed by exposure to foreign substances or toxic substances.

heart disease

There are many different types of heart disease that dogs take. If the heart can not breathe properly, water builds up in the lungs, causing a disease called congestive heart failure.

Species such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who are vulnerable to heart disease, may cough at heart stage. These coughs usually occur when you sleep, when you are lying down, and that means your lungs start getting water. Therefore, this is a very serious symptom. You should consult your veterinarian immediately if you are at risk for heart failure. A hole in the lungs or other problems can weaken and thicken my heart, which pressurizes the bronchial tubes. If you have these symptoms, you can stabilize your dog with enough nutrient intake and exercise.

Cough treatment

Most cough symptoms are treatable. However, the first thing a veterinarian should do is to find the cause before treatment. A veterinarian can make a diagnosis using a number of tests and medical signals, which can involve examining the animal's body, examining the dog's heart and lungs, and examining the body temperature. If necessary, a diagnostic test may be required. Once the veterinarian finds the cause, he will tell you about the proper treatment for the puppy and the causes of the cough and disease.

Vet Babble says that in many cases antibiotics, cough suppressants or supportive treatments are used as a treatment. Provide a warm and humid environment, use the Kappaji to wash the bronchi and remove the nasal dirt. If a puppy is suffering from a serious disease such as heart disease, a diuretic or a cardiac agent may be needed.

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