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Having a daughter is a blessing and hope for all of your prospective fathers. Since her daughters are born, fathers are fortunate not only to meet the turning points of their lives, but also to celebrate their moments at every stage, from birth to birth, and growing up to marriage. However, it is still difficult to grasp the daughter 's heart and feelings to such a so - called "daughter idiot" fathers. At some point in time, especially her daughter, physical and mental changes come to be called 'menstruation'.

Men who do not experience menstruation are not only unable to understand these situations, but they also can not cope properly while witnessing the mood or other changes they experience during their menstruation. Ultimately, it is important to acquire knowledge of menstruation in order to properly recognize the experiences and changes that your daughter experiences. Changes and emotions that your daughter experiences once a month. What is it?


Menstruation, also called menstruation. The endometrium of fertile women is proliferated by periodically secreted hormones and prepares for embryo implantation. If not pregnant, the endometrium is dropped by itself. This is the menstrual cycle. The fertility period refers to the period during which pregnancy is possible. It usually refers to the period from menarche to menopause, which starts at about 13 years of age and persists until the age of 40 or older.

This can sound so complicated. Anyway, having this knowledge, menstruation is something that will soon happen to your young daughter, and helps you to awaken your fathers so you can cope well with them.

Another is the awareness of the communicating fathers on the topic of menstruation. If you can not get on this topic and feel like a taboo phenomenon that you should not say, you may not be able to speak or act strangely. However, all men who live with their wives know that women behave differently from mental, physical, and emotional before and during menstruation. PMS (pre-menstruation symptoms) are the most commonly used terms, and women usually have swelling, slight cramps, and irritable feelings and feelings for seven days.

Pretty serious premenstrual syndrome

As a father, if you are ready to cope with this experience of your daughter, the first thing you have to do is to stop your daughter from making unnecessary jokes during this period. You will see that daughters are more annoying than ever. During the menstrual period, the symptoms of PMS such as depression, mood swings, anger, anxiety, Instead, it is good to be prepared to greet daughters with words that are not completely harmful, coming from a true heart.

Except for hypersensitivity reactions, daughters may behave beyond their father's expectations and understanding. Suddenly, a little puppy seems to be interested in a sweet and affectionate behavior, even within a few minutes to show you can turn into a greyhound that can turn into a greyhound. You do not need to press 119. This is a very normal behavior, a change in heart rate that occurs in all women.

During menstruation, the appetite is overflowing. This is also normal. Sleeping in the middle of the night can wake your dad to ask for food, but do not panic and do everything you want to. Appetite does not appear only in pregnant women. The difference between pregnancy and PMS is subtle, and the way it appears for women may be different.

Physical pain is the greatest bitterness to daughters. If you do not want to hear your grudge against your daughter, you should refrain from making any jokes or other useless remarks about your daughter's illness during this period. Menstruation can be accompanied by a variety of physical symptoms such as headache, back pain, edema, masturbation, and digestive problems.

Dad, do not talk!

As mentioned above, during menstruation, pain is accompanied. The severity of symptoms varies from mild to severe. Also, mood changes are severe. This also varies from light to wild to the lion's head.

At this time, the fathers should be the most careful. You should never ask questions about behaviors that your daughter feels strange. It is wise to recognize that menstruation experienced each month is a very uncomfortable process both physically and mentally and cope with the hypersensitivity reaction accordingly. Having a broad understanding of her daughter's appetite, it may be a sensible act to have a large amount of chocolate in advance in case her daughter finds it urgent.

It is also effective to leave jokes for a while. It is more so if you do not want to take out the monster hidden in the deep inside of your daughter. Even if the daughter wants to laugh and smile, the joke can be an inappropriate subject that does not fit the place and time.

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