Examinations such as examinations and examinations, which can change the life course from the note test, put a lot of stress on the examinees.
Candidates who are approaching the exam should not study too much, and it is best to relax their head. If you push yourself too much, the brain will not accept the necessary information. I'm looking at books and organizational notes, but it's a good idea not to solve the example problem as much as possible.
It is also important to relax. Movies, spas, nail art, etc. are also fine. You need to be as comfortable as possible to get the best out of the test day.
Before the test, examinees tend to be nervous, especially during the night before the test.
On the day before the test, you must first check your ID and handwriting, and if it is acceptable, it is good to have an earplug to prevent noise. Also, if you stay at the hotel after you take the test, check your reservation. Of course, I do not forget to bring comfortable clothes.
Do not carry a cell phone in a test such as a SAT test. So it is better to leave the test day at home.
Set several alarms. If it is difficult to get up early, it is better to set up multiple alarms.
And it is good to make a celebration plan. After the test, you will have time to compensate yourself after the test because you know you are doing your best.
Encourage oneself with confidence. It is good to pledge to yourself that you can do it and take the test without regret.
Do not trust myth. It may look a little silly, but you should do yourself good, and if you have a good luck shirt, you can also wear it.
Do not be stressed. It is difficult to expect the best results in that state. Take a deep breath and relax.
It is better not to talk about the test. Do not talk about the exam after taking the exam. The test taker will continue to be stressed until the outcome.