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Folic acid is also called vitamin B9. Vitamin B is uniquely called the complex and vitamin B group because it has been shown that a number of chemically distinct components work together. This vitamin B9, folic acid, has various effects such as helping brain function and activating metabolism, but it is considered to be an important ingredient to prevent deficiency in early pregnancy because it has an effect of preventing congenital deficiency. The symptoms of folate deficiency vary slightly depending on the situation, but maternal deficiency of folate can affect fetal birth defects. In addition to the various effects of folic acid, let's look at what may be a manifestation of deficiency symptoms.

Why you should take folic acid

Folic acid, along with various vitamins in the vitamin B group, helps us to metabolize food by converting the food we consume to energy we use and helping to keep the digestive system and nervous system healthy. It also plays a decisive role in brain function and also has an important effect on mental health. In addition, folic acid helps cardiovascular health in a number of ways. People who consume enough folic acid have a low risk of developing cardiovascular disease and, along with vitamin B6 and B12, lower blood levels of homocysteine, have. In addition, folic acid helps prevent red blood cells, prevents anemia, reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration, and has anti-cancer effects. But the most important thing here is to prevent birth defects. Folate deficiency can cause congenital defects such as open palate rupture in the fetus, and deficiency in folate early in pregnancy can lead to fetal neural tube defects and autism. Therefore, it is recommended that folate be prepared not to become deficient before pregnancy.

Symptoms of folate deficiency

Folic acid can be ingested by eating a healthy diet. However, if the nutritional supply is not maintained properly, the symptoms of deficiency of folate may appear. These symptoms include poor growth, tongue and mouth inflammation, loss of appetite, anemia, weight loss, dyspnea, diarrhea, . Deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy may also cause birth defects.

Folate intake

Folic acid is rich in green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, avocados, drop cabbage, asparagus, fruits, legumes, nuts, milk and salmon. If you are not able to take nutritional supplements, it is advisable to supplement by eating foods rich in folic acid. The recommended daily intake of folic acid is 400 mcg for adults, 600 mcg for pregnant women and 500 mcg for women in lactation.

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