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Antarctica's ice is melting as the Earth's temperature rises. There was another problem here. It has been confirmed that Paris has reached Antarctica. This is regarded as a signal destroying the Antarctic environment.

Dominique Hodgson of the British Research Service said, "Because of the flies, Antarctica now faces problems caused by invasive species.

These flies go aboard the Antarctic and live in residential kitchens or research bases in Antarctica. " Scientists expect Antarctic tourists to contribute to the spread of Paris.

More than 38,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica during 2015-2016, and will increase to 43,000 in 2017-2018.

"It is still very difficult to avoid flies," Hodgson said. Camera bags are particularly problematic. People move flies as they move from one continent to another. Flies hatch the ground and the roots of the plant shake because of the larvae. It's really a big problem. "

As Antarctica became a colony of Paris, the animals that originally lived here are threatened by aggression. As the Antarctic ice melts, new mosses are likely to grow.

Dan Chamman of the University of Exeter, in his study of plant life in Antarctica, said, "Moss, which grows in response to temperature rise, will cause rapid changes in ecosystems and future changes in biology and landscape." Stressed.

In Antarctica, mosses have increased rapidly, and their quantity is about four to five times greater than in 1950.

Antarctica is slowly turning green due to global warming. If global warming continues, it will be a matter of time before the Antarctic turns into a continent covered with moss and grassland, not an unknown continent covered by glaciers.

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