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"Aging, one of the biggest concerns of the Japanese economy, paradoxically contributes to boosting the economy.

According to Bloomberg News, Goldman Sachs said, "The consumption of Japanese silver generation is increasing." Swiss bank UBS also said, "Although the consumption of young people in Japan has decreased, the consumption of older people has increased, offsetting the deficit."

The increase in the consumption of older people aged 60 and over in Japan has been caused by concerns about aging. The older you are, the more aging-related consumption increases.

According to Goldman Sachs, the spending habits of the Japanese are concentrated in the medical sector as they age. Consumption for social activities, travel, and home interiors also increases.

By the way, the increase in the consumption of the elderly in Japan does not mean the abundant life of the elderly. Hideki Kumano, a senior researcher at the Daiichi Life Research Institute, said, "The consumption of elderly people at convenience stores will increase," he said, "because there is no room for department stores or luxury hotels."

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