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News Hub said, "A typical New Year's goal, such as a survey of Bidvine's online marketing services and the UK's favorite diet, has been changed to improve mental health in 2018."

According to the survey, mental health improvements ranked third in the British 10th New Year's goal, with healthy diet and weight loss ranked fourth and fifth, respectively.

Russ Morgan, co-founder of Vidh Bain, said 2017 was considered a "year of mental health" and reflected in the survey results this year.

"In 2017, a lot of attention was paid to 'mental health' when celebrity and branded campaigns promoting health were emphasized," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the survey, the British New Year 's goals for the first and second place are respectively known as' travel more often' and 'promotion or salary increase'.

The overall results of the survey are as follows.

1st. Travel more often

2nd place. Promotion or pay raise

Third place. Mental health improvement

4th place. A healthier diet

5th place. Diet

6th place. Getting new skills

7th place. A regular life

8. Spend more time with friends and family

9. Reduce the use of social media

10. Learning a foreign language

11. Increase your assets

12. Stop smoking

13. Participating in volunteer activities

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