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Pododermatitis is the most common health problem that occurs in the cute pet guinea pig.

This dermatitis, which occurs mainly in the forepaw of the guinea pig, affects the heel and leg joints. If the weather is humid, dermatitis is easier to occur.

The cause of foot-and-mouth disease is caused by extreme foot pressures, wound infections, and causes hair loss. Growing guinea pigs in a wire-type cage with a bottom is more susceptible to foot dermatitis as feet are prone to scarring. In the worst case, dermatitis spreads to bone infections.

Also, if guinea pigs become obese and the cage is too narrow to restrict movement, it is likely to develop dermatitis. If you do not clean the cage properly, it is not good because it makes it easier for bacteria to live in the environment, and even if the vitamin C intake of guinea pigs is insufficient, you can get dermatitis.

Symptoms of dermatitis are difficult to walk, hair loss, swelling of the legs, rashes, redness, and wounds. In extreme cases, guinea pigs are painful, crying, or refusing to feed.

When treating dermatitis, you should first take an x-ray to find out if there is an infection in your bones. Bone infections are called osteomyelitis, which is treated with antibiotics.

If the symptoms of dermatitis are mild, the condition can be treated by changes in the living environment and diet. The following steps can be taken as a master.

1. Lay a soft mat on the floor.

2. Keep inside and around the cage dry.

3. Feed the vitamin C.

4. If guinea pigs are obese, they reduce the amount of food they feed.

5. Keep the cage clean.

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