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If there is a facial asymmetry that determines the first impression of a person, the complex can be reluctant to face anyone. If there is facial asymmetry, try to find out the causes of facial asymmetry and the facial asymmetric correction method. Facial asymmetry refers to a face that does not look symmetrical. Medically, when the face is heavily biased toward one side with respect to the center line of the face, or when the upper, middle, and lower face portions are not parallel, the face is considered to be asymmetric when it is shifted by more than 3 millimeters to either side. This is because the maxilla, mandible, and cervical spine are not aligned. If you look at the mirror, you see a self-tilted or centerline, when you smile when your face goes back to one side, when the height of your left and right cheekbones and jaws are different, Asymmetry can be seen. When the forehead is deformed or the nose is bent, the eyes may be asymmetric and may appear in various ways.

Causes of facial asymmetry

Asymmetry of facial and jawbone may be from birth to birth, but the face may become asymmetric as it grows. It can also happen when sitting at a desk, sitting on one side with a chin, or chewing food on one side. Facial asymmetry correction is necessary even if trauma has occurred.
When the disk space of one jaw joint becomes narrow due to a jaw-related disease, the balance of the left and right is collapsed, and the face is asymmetric because the nerve on the disk is pressed and the jaw is inclined.

Let's look at the facial asymmetric correction method.

Facial asymmetric orthopedic surgery can be mandibular surgery or maxillary surgery. If mandibular asymmetry is the only option, mandibular surgery should be selected. If the degree of asymmetry is severe, surgery should be performed. It is advisable to stop at a facial asymmetric hospital and go to the doctor's office after the examination. The maxillofacial asymmetric correction method improves the forehead shape, clown asymmetry, eyebrow height, eye position, and inclination of the upper teeth, and mandibular facial asymmetry correction improves the mouth, lips, jaw tip and tooth occlusion. In the case of joint asymmetry, it is caused by habit or bad posture. In some cases, it is possible to treat by non-surgical treatment.
Another facial asymmetry correction method is facial asymmetric massaging. With three fingers, draw five circles around the cheekbones. It lasts from 5 seconds to 10 seconds at a time, and operates in the opposite direction.

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