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Why do I have a dry cough?

It is common to catch a cold or cough when something gets caught in the neck. It is a reflex action that automatically comes out of the mouth to remove foreign objects.

If you have a cold, such as a runny nose or irritation caused by reaction to the pus or the bronchial, when you cough and pull it out.

Usually this is called a phlegm, but just a cough means a cough coming out of the phlegm.

A dry cough is said to be a coughing cough that does not come out of the sputum, but to remove the foreign substance that is caught in the neck by pressure, or to blow out foreign matter or food out of the airway.

Dry cough is not a cough cold symptom.

Cough colds are caused by cold viruses, which cause acute inflammation of the larynx and surrounding tissues, causing respiratory problems.

This causes a foreign body sensation or pain and causes sputum. Therefore, a dry cough is not accompanied by a dry cough, which can not be attributed to a cough cold.

Diseases that cause dry cough

Reflux esophagitis is one of the causes of dry cough, which is accompanied by coughing, sneezing, and heartburn due to inflammation of the esophagus.

If you have a foreign body sensation and dry cough for more than three weeks, it is likely to be reflux esophagitis. Laryngitis is similar to a sore throat, and if you do not have symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, etc., you should suspect laryngitis.

Asthma can cause a dry cough. If you have a seizure cough or dyspnea, you may have asthma.

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