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Silla Zhen has revealed a new drug called Pecsabek, a new anti-cancer drug.

Shilla Zhen, the Internet media Infostack Daily "Shilla Zhen, the uncertainty of three-phase screening ... Executives should be responsible for management, "the report said on July 7.

The media said that Shinragen was planning to make a surplus of 103.8 billion won by 2020 during the development of the new drug Pecsabek, but the development is being delayed. In addition, the number of candidates for clinical trials decreased from 600 to 350, and only one in China, the country with the highest incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma, was included in clinical trials.

Shilla Zhen said that it takes a long time because of the clinical three-phase nature of the difference in the survival time between the treatment group and the control group. He also stressed that the clinic is cruising after registering his first patient in January 2016. The controversy over the subject of the clinical trial objected that the subject of the 600 patient patients remained unchanged. He also said that he expects to register his patients as soon as his first patient is registered in China on March 3.

"The malicious rumor related to clinical trials is an obvious false fact," Silla said. "We will respond firmly to the propagation and reproduction of false facts."

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