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To keep a pet puppy healthy, not only loving but also proper care is essential. From now on, let's look at the proper management method for a lovely puppy.

Some pets require regular grooming, while others have their own hair trim. For example, small animals such as hamsters and guinea pigs do not need the care of their owners. However, the Northern Light newspaper noted that large animals such as cats and dogs should be treated in the correct way by their owners.

There is a way to make your beloved pet puppy clean, healthy and happy.

1. Bathing: According to the US Animal Husbandry Association, dogs should be bathed at least every two months unless they are too dirty. Baths can prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi and also help with skin health. Be careful, however, if you do it too often, the protective film of the skin may peel off.

2. Grooming: Grooming is essential for a dog to have healthy, deflected hair. The dogs are brushed every few days, allowing the oil to spread throughout the body. The first groomed dog may dislike the dog. However, combing is the first step of dog breeding, so try with patience.

3. Nail clippers: Because veterinarians can be painful if their nails are long, veterinarians advise them to cut out if they grow up. It is time to cut off if you hear a sound on the floor when you walk.

4. Cleaning your ears: If your ears are not clean, it can lead to infection. Regularly clean your ears and keep them healthy and comfortable. However, if you smell something different than usual, contact your veterinarian immediately to resolve the problem.

In recent years, the number of specialty dog ​​shops and dog food stores has increased, making it easier to manage dogs. But professional caregivers are also having trouble taking care of their dogs without their owners' advice. So let your puppy know that you know best.

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