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There are many ways for a healthy body. If you keep the average sleep time per day, it will help you to control your condition. Sleep, in particular, refers to activities in which the body is in an unconscious state during which time the body restores lost energy and replenishes energy during the day. The exact reason people need sleep is not yet known, but sleep is essential for improving overall health. However, lack of sleep causes many health problems including respiratory problems.

What is the appropriate sleep time?

Let's look at the recommended sleeping times for each person's age, lifestyle, and health status. 14-17 hours a day for 0-3 months, 11-14 hours a day for 1-2 years, 9-11 hours a day for 6-13 years, 8 hours to 10 hours a day for 14-17 years, 18-25 and 26-64 years for 14-17 years 7 to 9 hours a day.

However, fulfilling an average day's sleep time does not gain energy and restore the condition. Good quality of sleep makes the body health.

How to determine good sleep quality

In addition to maintaining adequate sleep, people have a deep sleep time for overall health. Particularly if sleep is poor or the quality of sleep is poor, it is an indicator of sleep disturbance or future health problems.

1. Avoid caffeine drinks

If you take a lot of caffeine, you may notice some arousal during the day, but in the aftermath it interrupts the time you have to sleep. Caffeine intake should not exceed one cup per day, and should not be exceeded 4 hours before the minimum sleep time.

2. Take a daytime walk

Sunlight causes melatonin, drowsiness and tiredness. Especially, it is a great help to get the sunlight in the light of the sunlight so that you can fall asleep at night.

3. Shower with warm milk, warm temperature

If you feel hungry, drink warm milk or take a banana. Also, if you take a shower in warm water before you go to bed, you can help your blood circulation smoothly and help you with half bath and foot bath.

Attitude for deep sleep time

It is also a good idea to maintain a deep sleep time with a good sleeping attitude. If you do not have a particular posture, you can use a punch. A person who lays down right should put a small pillow on his back, and a person who lays sideways should put a pillow on his thigh. If you are lying down, putting your pillow on your buttocks will support your hip and help you relax.

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