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Photo by Andrea Westmoreland / Wikimedia Commons

Studies have shown that Zara can become a carrier of bacteria.

This fact is a big headache in China, which consumes 100kg ~ 150kg of annuals as soup ingredients.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced that Vibrio spp., A cause of cholera, can live on the surface of the back bark, legs, and even live in fragile flesh inside the skin called flesh. Bacteria were also found in the interior of the jar.

According to Rita Colwell, a professor at Bloomberg General School of Medicine and college professor at the University of Maryland at Bloomberg, Johns Hopkins, "as well as invertebrates such as small copepods, oysters and shrimps, .

In China, there are relatively few cholera cases compared to other countries. Cholera outbreaks are mostly caused by cross-contamination through kitchen utensils that have not been fully cooked, have been kept at room temperature for too long, or have not been properly sterilized before being reused.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the annual cholera-infected population is 1.3 million to 4 million, of which about 143,000 die.

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