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An obese cat at the Chatham County Animal Shelter in Fitzboro, North Carolina, has become an internet star.

The protagonist is an obese cat called Handsome. Handsome was rescued after getting lost and came into the shelter. Since then, more and more people have been trying to adopt Handsome.

Handsome's weight is 14kg, which is about 10kg heavier than normal weight cat. Also, it is bigger than the breeding grounds and lives mainly in the shelter room.

Tiffany Posey, a shelter worker, said Handsome likes people's touch. She then said Handsome was a really good cat.

Obesity Cat Handsome is known on the internet and many people want to adopt Handsome now. The shelter staff said they plan to make a thorough assessment of whether they can decide on who will meet Handsome.

If the person selected by the shelter can not take care of the Handsome, go through the procedure again and select the adoption person.

Handsome is obese, so strict diet and maintenance are needed. He is also being tested for diabetes.

Posey said Handsome's target weight is at least 8kg. To lose weight to 8kg, 70-80% of the calories needed for proper weight should be fed.

The shelter is encouraging people who have been removed from the Hansom adoption process to adopt other cats. They are encouraging people to adopt other cats that need a home.

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