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Some dogs may find it a great adventure to use sensory noses to detect dangerous objects, but Lulu did not enjoy following these exercises.

Tired and sad dog

In order to train Lulu, the CIA gave Lulu enough snacks and food, and increased Lulu's playing time. Nevertheless, Lulu did not follow the trainers. The CIA said on Twitter that Lulu was being fired, "Lulu did not enjoy the training."

Lulu joined the training class for the first time at the CIA only a few months ago. Lulu was a year and a half at the time. The youngest of the six dogs participating in the training. After training, he was scheduled to play in the police station in Fair Fox County, Virginia.

The CIA said that Lulu was a very lively and dizzy dog. At the same time, Lulu was very sensitive, person-friendly and gentle. Lulu, however, has recently shown a different behavior.

Lulu's attitude

Because Lulu did not want to follow orders, the CIA decided that Lulu was inappropriate for training and decided to send it elsewhere. At first I thought that Lulu was just not in good condition for a day, but it was not.

The CIA explained that the dogs are similar to the students in the blog. When I learn something new, I learn well on a good day, but on a day when I do not, the content I learn does not fit well in my head. Even dogs that are taking lessons from the institution do not properly search for ignorance or look for commands on the day they want to be lazy. This day lasts for a day or two.

Lulu tired of smelling

But Lulu was exhausted from all the training and missions. He no longer had the will to put his nose in his bag, bag, shoe box and find explosives.

Perhaps Lulu felt pressure on the hard work. Students who entered the training school learn how to detect more than 20,000 explosive mixtures in six weeks.

What Lulu wanted to do was just live an ordinary life. Instead of smelling and finding explosives, Lulu wanted to swim across the fields, swim in the pool and take the owner's hand.

The CIA said in a statement, "The greatest concern of our trainers is the physical and mental well-being of dogs. So we decided that it was inappropriate for Lulu to finish the training program and made a tough decision to fire Lulu. " Eventually drop

Lulu quit his job. Instead, he was adopted by a trainer who trained himself in a training school and is living a puppy at home. It is said to be enjoying happiness by getting close to neighboring children and chasing rabbits and squirrels in the yard.

The CIA allows dogs to be adopted by trainees or trainees while retired dogs or dogs are trained. It is to appreciate the deep ties between trained and active dogs and trainers.

The CIA staff said they missed Lulu, but this was the right decision for Lulu.

Good night, Lulu! Come on, Harry!

Lulu has become a trainer and a family member, but the trainer must train another dog when he comes to work. The day after Lulu left, the CIA decided to take a male pup named Harry and train him.

Harry likes to play and run and is an energetic dog. And the youngest of colleagues in class. The trainer explained that although it is a beginner, it is an active and intelligent dog who wants to learn everything. Harry, a cheongyoung, will buy the envy of other training dogs. Because she lives with five female dogs.

After six weeks of basic training, the dogs are paired with people and receive 10 weeks of advanced training. After that, dogs who have passed the national certification test will become CIA 's explosive hazard defense after graduation.

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