Police in Bloomington, USA, discovered 37 dogs left in a harsh environment in the Love Me Acne Rescue Office on Thursday. Operator Bessony Balebi was arrested for animal neglect.
Mike Hartley, deputy director of the Bloomington Police Department, said, "The petty officer's house was on the scene for the first time." In the meantime, Animal Friendship Association Case Stref recorded the harsh environment of the space in which the animal was staying.
"The dogs were each kept open, but several dogs were kept in a small plastic doghouse. It was horribly unsanitary and there was no water. "
Jeridobu Otto, who works near, smells dirty, but said he has never seen animals. "I thought it was like a nasty dog shit, but I never thought there would be such a terrible thing," he said.
The rescue website says that all animals are housed in foster homes, not shelters, and are being cared for in safe places.
On the other hand, the veterinarian of the animal protection association is examining the health of dogs. Meanwhile, Balebi was released from prison. He is reported to be able to charge the return of the seizure within 10 days.