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Source: Pixar Bay

It is the mind of the guardian who always wants to give only good things to the puppy. Since then, it has become more and more fashionable to give raw meat. The meat of the raw meat is softer than it is cooked, so it is not a problem for the puppy to chew and it is also nutritious.

However, the fact that there is a risk that the raw meat is not recognized by the guardian. Now, let's look at the cautions of the raw meat diet that the caregiver should know.

Source: Pixar Bay

Raw meat dish

Recent studies show that raw meat has a high risk of entering bacteria and parasites.

However, it is important to look at benefits before discussing the negative effects of raw meat. First, the best benefit of raw meat is its effect on the puppy's digestive system. The researchers explained that as dogs live with humans for a long time, many similarities between humans and dogs have begun to emerge. One of these similarities is in the diet. Before puppies' diets are properly processed and commercialized, they are already able to live with their caregivers and adapt to human food and digest properly as they eat their leftovers.

Dogs that are well adapted to human food today eat only the dog 's special diet and take the necessary nutrients. In the case of special diets, products that sell and manufacture raw meat have also appeared. According to a study that analyzed and analyzed about 35 raw meat products, most of the meat contained harmful bacteria and toxins.

The most common bacteria is E. coli, found in 28 of 35 meat loaves. Listeria monocytogenes were found in 19, and Salmonella in 7. In the rest of the meat, several other parasites came out.

The study, however, emphasized that harmful elements such as bacteria and parasites are not found only in raw meat. Most dog custodians give themselves food left over. The problem is that the food left on the person has other ingredients that can harm the dog like bacteria.

Of course, potentially dangerous situations can be avoided with the digestive system adapted to human food for a long period of time, but not all the factors can be met. For example, bacteria such as Salmonella can lead to gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, when digesting food and excreting feces, bacteria from there spread around and eventually affect humans.

William J. Burkholder, a veterinary doctor, says that even if a dog or cat does not get sick, it will eventually become a mediator of Salmonella, causing the bacteria to move around, "He said.

Source: Pixar Bay

Prevent spread of bacteria

However, there is also a way to lower the risk of disease by constantly feeding dogs and at the same time inhibiting bacterial spread as much as possible.

The most important thing is to ensure that the guardian's hand is clean and sanitary before feeding the dog. There may be a risk of spreading to the feedstuff by touching other dirty materials or surfaces before touching the feed.

Dr. Burkholder stressed that if you are going to touch raw meat, you should pay more attention to thorough hygiene. You must immerse your hands or product in soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds to wash away dirty material.

He also emphasized that the guardian and the puppy should distinguish the food they eat from each other, and not eat it all together.

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