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There is a special day called Do not Step On a Bee Day.

There are many ways to protect bees on Twitter.

Bees are the most pollen mediators in the world. The British bees are responsible for almost one third of the water we eat and make 6,000 tonnes of honey.

Bees and bumblebees are very similar. One of them is the hair on their body. These fur bees collect pollen. But bees are physically similar to wasps.

There are 25 species of bumblebees in the UK, but there is only one species of bee.

Two insects each face distinct threats. Humpbacks are losing their habitat because of lack of flowers and proper shelter in the countryside. Bees are very vulnerable to disease and ticks.

There are several ways to protect bees. First, plants that are rich in pollen should be planted.

And provide the bee with a water supply and appropriate shelter.

If possible, give a bee a few drops of sugar water.

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