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Lori Hess told PetMD article: "Hedgehogs are good pet breeds and are lovely mammals that live on small insects. Life expectancy is about 4-7 years. " Hedgehogs are also known as shy animals. However, those who raise hedgehogs say that "hedgehogs are social animals that respond well to their names and respond well to their families if they develop their intimacy."

There are a few things to know if you are considering hedgehogs as new pets.

Hess said hedgehogs are animals that live in Africa, Europe, Asia and New Zealand. This thorny friend has recently become one of the most popular pets in the United States. Currently, North American pet hedgehogs are known to be tame by bringing African hedgehogs. This hedgehog is called 'African pygmy hedgehog'. Hedgehogs can become more fun and social pets when equipped with the right breeding environment.

It is also a good idea to adopt hedgehogs through the International Hedgehog Association and the Hedgehog Welfare Society. Of course you can find it at nearby animal shelters or animal shops. You can meet your own hedgehog anywhere.

"Hedgehogs are good for people who spend a certain amount of time with their pets," Hess said. Hedgehogs are good by themselves and do not need other fellow hedgehogs. Sometimes, however, the hedgehog should be taken out of our house for exercise and social interaction.

Hedgehogs are shy animals, and tend to hide their faces and limbs when they are afraid or afraid. Sometimes the hair is pointed outward because it protects the body by rolling like a ball. Therefore, it is dangerous to homes with small children or weak skin, so be careful.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, so they can ride the wheel at night. Thus, it may be an unsuitable animal for someone who is shallow to sleep. It is ideal for anyone who prefers to work at night, such as hedgehogs, because they usually sleep during the day.

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