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The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced an analysis of glacier retreat and heat waves due to climate change.

In 2016, when the record heat was the hottest year in history, the temperature rose sharply, and this trend continues in 2017.

WMO's 2016 climate report stressed that polar ice levels and sea level rise were at an alarmingly low level.

Global warming is largely caused by human activity, but in 2016, warming was accelerated by El Niño, a strong storm cycle in nature.

The effects of El Niño are now decreasing, but they are still being observed at extreme temperatures. The high temperature records of the United States are also being updated repeatedly throughout the country.

David Carlson, director of the Global Climate Research Program, said, "Even without a strong El Niño in 2017, there will be a tremendous change in our climate system. The climate is constantly changing and this is truly an unknown world. "

Geology scholar Jeffrey Kager, of the University of Arizona, said, "The Earth is a moving planet created by human-made atmospheric changes, and our climate can not remain stable if climate conditions change rapidly."

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