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Music is a universal language that connects people. Since childhood, a child who listens and enjoys a lot of music can play musical instruments and get close to music with interest. In addition to emotional experiences such as feeling pleasure and touched by music, music education has special advantages.

Effect of music lesson

According to a study by Canadian McMaster University in Canada, music lessons with parents can improve communication skills and respond quickly to music when children are younger, according to Today's Spendent, a professional lifestyle Web site.

According to many research results, music lessons can help to stimulate the brain and enhance brain function. According to Overstuff Triple, Northwestern University research shows that the children's brain, which has learned musical instruments, has a greatly improved ability to read and speak.

1 Sexual Enhancement

Music is very helpful for intellectual ability and emotional development. According to a survey by researchers at the University of Washington, musical theater improves cognitive skills that are important in improving speaking skills and concentration and understanding patterns. In addition, there is a survey that the children who participated in the music lesson have good memory and excellent foreign language ability. The ability to understand mathematical formulas in the process of learning the rhythm of music or the principles of music can also be improved. Psychologist Howard Gardner sees music intelligence as an essential ability to strengthen the connection between body and mind, according to Baby Power, a childcare specialist.

2 Exercise ability and sensory development

The child feels the urge to move the body in the process of learning music and moves two hands at the same time with two different actions. You can improve your athletic ability by learning how to play a new instrument that requires different body harmony.

Trainees also emphasize that sensory perception and motor control are essential for children's development. Children learn various sounds with music and realize that fine movements are important for playing musical instruments.

3 Improve language skills

It is good practice to use music to teach children how to say new words. The infant likes to follow the sound as he / she hears, so if you repeat the music, it helps to memorize the word. According to a survey conducted in the 1990s, children who have been listening to music since childhood are more likely to speak and have better vocabulary.

4 Improve self-esteem

A child who is able to play an instrument often feels a sense of accomplishment on his or her own and is satisfied when music is finished. You can raise self-confidence and self-esteem. It also allows us to develop ourselves by accepting criticism and intellectuality positively and constructively. Playing music or singing is also a good way to express yourself.

5 Understanding discipline and strengthening patience

In order to play or sing instruments, it is essential to follow the rules and persevere. No matter how simple a musical instrument is, perseverance is necessary to learn how to play. To improve your musical performance, you have to practice and persevere. I am able to concentrate on myself during my music classes and realize that I need to constantly practice and learn to play music.

6 Improving sociality

Trainers say that music helps control emotions that are the foundation of sociality. A child can convey emotion through a song, and interaction with parents can increase, improving emotional cognitive ability from childhood. You can also learn how to control your emotions as you build up a calming or joyful experience with music. Through music, we can find commonalities, talk about other favorite musical genres, form a bond, and become more intimate with others.

7 Improving Relationships with Parents

It is very important that parents participate in all activities of the child. Especially for infants, parents and children should spend time together regularly to strengthen their emotional bond with their children. Music trainers recommend that it is best to strengthen the bond with your child through music. According to a study by the University of Miami, parents have a strong bond between their parents and their children just by singing songs to their children.

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