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Sleep Review Online journals say that the more frequent the fish you eat, the better your sleep quality and your average IQ score can be improved by at least 4 points.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, was first introduced in the journal Nature's Scientific Reports.

The researchers asserted that previous research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids in fish are good for brain development and that omega-3 itself induces high quality sleep, so the study suggests that sleep may be the link between fish and intelligence .

The researchers asked 541 children aged 9 months to 11 years in China how often they ate fish in the last month. We then measured the children's language and nonverbal skills through an IQ test called the Wexler Intelligence Test.

Parents, on the other hand, responded to questions about their children's sleep quality through a standard sleep habits questionnaire.

The researchers found that children who ingested fish on a weekday basis had an average IQ of 4.8 points higher than children who reported eating less fish. The researchers conclude that fish intake improves sleep quality by reducing sleep disturbances.

Jennifer Pinto-Martin, director of the Pennsylvania Public Health Center, stressed that recent studies have shown positive benefits for fish consumption, so they need to consume enough bone-free, minced fish from the age of 10 months to childhood.

"People like food that they tasted as children," said Pinto-Martin. In particular, children should be cautiously provided to local children who do not prefer fish. Young children are sensitive to odor. If you smell a strange, I will never try to eat, "he advised.

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