It was argued that the homework to study at the time of after-school preparation and review is useless.
According to Michael Carr-Gregg, an Australian home psychologist, it is not useful to give homework to elementary school students.
Greg said, "Due to parents demanding contemporary homework, our educational system is slow to develop. Countries like Finland never give homework. "
Many experts also agreed with Gregg's comments and argued that homework could cause conflicts between parents and their children, which could worsen family relationships.
But there is also a rebuttal. Tony Hirst, principal of Emmaus College, said, "It is important where and where to do homework. I can not believe the students who said that they had homework for 2 hours in front of the TV. "
According to Hurst, students who graduate from elementary schools who do not give homework will have a transitional problem that requires them to be taught homework and responsibilities.
"Simple elementary school homework has improved children's writing, numeracy, skills, habits and lifestyle skills," Hurst said.
Angela Torelli, Avila College correspondent, said the homework had the advantage of developing independent learning, time management skills, self-motivation and initiative.
"Homework is important, but it should not be more than a reasonable amount of time and should not be so stressful or stressful," says Torrelie. "Homework involves integrating knowledge concepts and applying the lessons learned during school hours." He added.
Allan Shaw, Principal of Knox School, stressed that teacher feedback is important for effective homework.