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The act of postponing something later, that is, delayed action, is probably something everyone has experienced.

Many people read their self-help books to get rid of the delayed behavior, but now that will not happen, I imagine a sweet, but we postpone something again later.

"We try to use our heads to improve our productivity but it does not work out," says Carrie Jokai, a productivity expert in Bali.

We also have to commit to ourselves, "Let's get up, do this today, and finish today, and we need to know that productivity is controlled by a completely different part of our brain. Productivity is not an intellectual concept. It is a habit to move by the animal parts of our brain and we are trainers who deal with it, "she added.

The expert nephew will tell you how to get rid of the delayed behavior.

First, you should not distract your attention from the workplace. Eliminate the things that can distract your attention from the workplace. These include cell phone alarms and messy desks.

Second, we should take frequent breaks. Most people try to run like a marathon at work, but this actually hampers productivity. Periodic recharging of the brain can save energy.

You should set a third weekly goal. At this time, the goal must be a goal that can be accomplished while stimulating your challenge spirit.

She also says it's important to reward yourself when you reach your productivity goals.

"We have to reward our brains for good work," says the niece. "It does not have to be a big reward. It is just a matter of pleasure that corresponds to the active activity of the brain. "

"If you do that, you will have a habit of following you anytime and anywhere. Especially when you are in trouble, you should be habitual not to put off. "

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