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The rise in temperatures caused by global warming is raising the risk of extinction of the Chinese giant pandas.

Studies have shown that the highest temperature a panda can tolerate is 25 degrees Celsius. The researchers found that temperatures in the panda 's habitat were up to 30 degrees Celsius over the last 40 years.

Hot weather can adversely affect giant pandas in breeding capacity and in the health of their young, causing dehydration and metabolic problems.

Pandas move to cooler mountain areas to cool the heat, which is hard to find in this mountainous region.

The researchers argued that by establishing an artificial network as a last resort to avoid the potential extinction of giant pandas, they should have a cool habitat for the pandas.

For example, a quiet environment with cool rivers. Artificial habitats can protect pandas from warming-related effects.

In addition, the construction of artificial habitats can take advantage of the natural features of each forest environment to enhance comfort, such as providing a cool space to protect animals from the sun and to allow heat to escape.

Providing a resting place for adult pandas and cubs, planting more trees and bamboos in certain areas provides additional food and sleeping, and allows pandas to move more easily in vast areas.

But Katie Löffler, a giant panda expert, said, "The main problem is related to legal or illegal human activities. Dams, roads, mine impacts, and the presence of nearby livestock. "

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