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Classical music is a pride of music history. Classical music gives us mental stability.

No matter how young babies can enjoy the songs made by Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, and other celebrities in the classical music world. It even helps the fetus.

Most parents listen to classical music for preaching during pregnancy. I listen to classical music often even after my baby is born. This is because classical music has a positive effect on baby growth.

The Mozart effect theory has also arisen that classical music such as Mozart's work can improve temporal perception and reasoning in the short term. Just listening to classical music will improve your intelligence.

Mozart effect is not limited to human babies. In 2013, a farmer played Mozart's music on his crops.

In the 1990s, the theory of Mozart effect was studied. However, the subject of study at that time was youth, not babies.

According to a study published by the Institute of Health and Medical Research at the National Library of America, it is said that pregnant women listen to classical music 12 hours before childbirth to help the baby's cognitive and language development. And classical music affects not only cognitive and language development but all other developmental stages.

It is better to expose your child to music as much as possible. Especially if parents are willing to play musical instruments themselves, they should share musical experiences with their children and teach them musical instruments.

For example, if you know how to play the piano, let the baby stay around while playing the Beethoven song.

Classical music also helps to improve the memory of the baby. When listening to music, all four major lobes in the brain (frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital) are stimulated.

The auditory cortex of our brain plays a role in distinguishing and understanding the height and volume of music. The temporal lobe in the temporal lobe remembers the previously heard music.

Simply hearing something intermixes our brain memories. But classical music, a very technical form of music, plays a role in promoting our memory.

Babies are quiet as soon as they listen to music. Thinking in a slightly different way, a baby arranges and stores what he or she is hearing. The music's height, speed, etc., the baby's brain categorizes and processes what the baby is listening to.

When a baby can not control his feelings, he bursts into tears. When you are hungry, when the diaper is wet, when you are nervous, etc., the baby expresses everything as crying. But if you play classical music, your attention will be focused on music, so you will stop crying at once.

Experts say that classical music lowers everyone's level of anxiety because it is associated with dopamine excretion.

In other words, classical music helps people to calm down and sleep more comfortably at night.

According to a recent study by the University of Washington Brain Learning Institute, a baby who is often exposed to classical music has strengthened her bond with parents and laughed more, regardless of whether she listened to music alone or with her parents. It is a study that further reinforces the claim that classical music has a positive effect on babies.

Classical music is effective before the baby walks or speaks. Classical music has existed with us for hundreds of years, and fast beat music is still popular nowadays.

How about creating an environment that makes your child more familiar with classical music?

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