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In general, male fish seek female fish, but in the wrong way they may lose their mating opportunities.

According to a recent study by a team of behavioral researchers at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, female fish can reject male courtship activity.

In her Ph.D. thesis, Carlton Trembeck, a member of the research team, said, "The starting point of our research is to find out why sexual activity is clearly and consistently different, even if the males of an animal species do not need to compete with other males." He said.

Experimental female fish selected several sexually active male fish through the monitor.

As a result, most female fish showed that they chose male fish with moderate libido. The reason is presumed to be due to the lower risk of mating injury compared to less sexually mature male fish.

However, when a male is determined to mate, it forces the female to mate.

Because of this, female fish often form a herd to protect themselves from the forced mating of male fish as other fish protect themselves from predators

However, virgin fish were different from other fish because they were more open to mating and the results were different.

Just as no one can force sex, fish have a right to refuse to mate. Mating is an essential part of maintaining an ecosystem, but its compulsion is controversial.

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