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Going from elementary school to junior high school is a major change for children. This is also the time when children are the first to experience adolescence, and it is natural that parents worry about whether their children will be able to adapt in a new and much larger environment. Anna Michelle Ridou, a blogger at First Tutor in the UK, said, "Parents who raise children spend a lot of time worrying about whether their children will be good friends in their new school environment, "He said. The following is a summary of her advice.

Of course, preparing for middle school can not be compared to when the child first entered elementary school, but the laws that allow children to confront their future middle school life with confidence are not much different from those in elementary school. There are several ways that your child can reduce anxiety and gain confidence in a new environment.

Tell the children about the changes in the future.

As you prepare to move on to the new environment, the most important thing to keep in mind is to talk to your child about the new changes. Ask your children what they expect from the new environment, what they will miss at the previous school, and whether there is anything to worry about. "It is natural for a child to be nervous ahead of a new change," Anna said. If you know that you have a parent who can sympathize with the tension you feel, you will feel a sense of security. "

Do not forget that junior high school is a bigger environment than elementary school, and make sure that you do not have to rush to adapt to your new school. It is also necessary to tell children that when they go to junior high school, they now have a different sense of responsibility. Anna says, "Middle school homework is harder and more positive than in elementary school. The lessons become more difficult, so you need to concentrate and always finish your homework on time. " He advised parents to be naturally receptive to the beginning of a new stage of life in the future of their children during their last summer vacation before middle school.

Familiar is helpful

It may be helpful to let the child feel about the school where the child is going before they go to junior high school. This may include participating in middle school meetings, middle school fairs, and middle school experience activities held in elementary schools. This not only can help children become accustomed to the middle school environment, but it can also help parents who see children undergoing new changes. You can do this from the earliest stages of adapting to the new environment.

Prepare for the first day of school

The common mistake parents make is not to take any measures until the first day of school or the week before. The most important thing for your child to be receptive to new changes is to have everything you need to go to a new school. It is also good for parents and children to prepare for a new environment so that they can do it themselves in the future. Anna said, "It is a good idea for your child to choose a backpack that she will carry around and make sure you have your bag properly wrapped for the first day of school." You should be prepared in advance so that you can live more active and calm when you first go to school.

Make regular routines

Choosing a few routines will help your child make the right arrangements and keep up the good work in the future. Choosing a morning routine can also be a way to do things such as getting ready to go to school, having breakfast and packing lunch, helping you to manage your time efficiently and adapt to your new environment . Anna advised her children that she should set a time and place for homework every afternoon, a time for after-school activities, and a free time to do whatever she likes to do.

Raise Responsibility

It is important to ensure that your child has a sense of responsibility long before you enter junior high school. You need to help your children develop some degree of independence, which can start with helping children get their own school supplies. Encouraging them to ride the school bus rather than bringing them directly to the school can be a habit to put in a habit beforehand so that they will not miss the school bus later. It may be helpful to create an environment where children can make friends, which allows them to become accustomed to making new friends and to adapt to new experiences and environments.

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