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▲ Animal survives forever as a human being is born (Source: Pixar Bay)

Animals that survive for life as long as they are born and die. India 's Mahatma Gandhi also took the lead in respecting animals, saying that the greatness and moral progress of the country could be judged by the way animals treat animals.

No specific skills are needed to respect the existence of animals. It is all trying to make perfect balance and harmony in order to maintain mutual prosperity as a person sharing the world together.

However, human greed and ego have endangered the animals and plants that should survive together, and eventually the ecosystem is causing disasters and disasters if they lose balance. For example, in the 14th century of black deaths, which killed about 30-60% of the population of Europe, and the number of bee-bearing bees has been declining, humankind is rather angry and depressing.

But these serious problems can be found in a surprisingly small amount. We will teach the children who will lead the next generation to have longing and respect for animals.

Purpose-oriented training

Just bringing children to an animal care organization and showing them and teaching them is not a fundamental teaching. It is a good idea to try an approach that can have a subtle yet powerful impact, like teaching how to say or write.

Young children are instinctively never able to behave smoothly and calmly. Therefore, it should be a goal-oriented way to avoid harm to both animals and children.

1. Learn how to prey animals

The key is to have a "smooth" approach. You should be able to learn how to touch animals gently, especially how to rub animals in the direction of hair or feathers. If you want to touch sensitive parts such as stomachs or eyes, stop it and let the animal smell your child so that the animal can accept the child friendly. In this case, the animal does not see the opponent as hostile.

2. Raise responsibility for pets

Parents who want their children to treat their pets well are likely to be loving philanthropists. Perhaps there are two or three pets in the house. When you raise a pet in your home, your child has more chances to interact with the animal. If you give petty errands or specific tasks associated with your pet, your child will feel responsible for what he or she needs to do.

It is important to teach children to lead the next generation in respect of animals (Source: Pixar Bay)

3. Look at your child's behavior on pets

A puppy or cat waving a tail is a curiosity for a young child. Before the child approaches and pulls the tail, he must teach that the animal's tail is not something that can be caught or handled. Also, it is important to supervise the behavior of the child because the behavior of stroking or prettiness of the child may be somewhat aggressive. Again, the key is to "softly" touch.

4. Instruct the animals not to harass

A child who is far away from the animal can be surprised and annoyed by the confident child. You can even throw a stone or look at it and make a scary look. This behavior can be pleasant for humans, but it should be known to animals that it is not pleasant at all. No matter how innocent the animal is, even if it feels excessive discomfort or fear, it can act.

5. Understand animal gestures (body language)

If a child wants to play with a cute animal, the animal may run away or not easily approach it. However, if you keep approaching, you will feel a hissing or growling feeling that the animal is on the edge. The child should learn that this behavior means that the animal is not feeling well and wants to be in his space.

6. Teaching respect for habitat

Finding a pond to go to a flower garden to find a butterfly or a frog can be a great lesson for caring for the environment as well as animals. Children should be able to understand that destroying an animal's habitat can lead to the loss of the wonderful creatures that make up the planet.

For example, one small piece of food can teach a small straw abandoned in the sea to go into the body of a turtle or other fish living in it and lead to death. This is a good way to remind you that it can provide a better opportunity to maintain the sanctity of animal habitat. If your child does not understand the concept of abstract environmental issues such as global warming, it is helpful to describe environmentally friendly behavior with animals.

The important thing is to teach children how to treat animals smoothly (Source: Pixar Bay)

7. Instruct not to kill animals

Do not kill animals. Sometimes unfamiliar animals like spiders or lizards can come into the house unexpectedly. However, it is better to remind them that these animals are valuable to prevent diseases spread by worms such as flies or mosquitoes instead of killing them. The animals that come into the house can be sent outside with the help of the surrounding people.

8. Books and movies can make friends with animals

Learning materials and videos that can inspire respect and sympathy for animals can be impressive to the inspiring story. For example, in search of Nemo, 101 Dalmatians and Lion King are worthwhile tools to inspire love, respect, compassion and lessons in animals.

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