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In order to get the desired response from the children, the parents need to pay attention and the child must realize that they are communicating with their parents. Most parents work while the child is in school. At home, parents should prepare meals for their children and help with homework. Sometimes, however, children may find it hard to concentrate and may not seem to follow their parents' instructions. If you ask me to do my homework or get my stuff ready for the next day, I can close the visit and play music. It's more fun for kids to spend hours playing games on their cell phones or talking to friends.

Parents feel frustrated when they see these children. Especially parents who have had a hard day at work. Even if you try to hurt a child who does not listen to it or get angry, the children close their ears as if they do not hear anything and focus only on what they are doing. Of course, this situation will vary from house to house, but parents should be prepared in advance.

According to the Chicago Tribune, empathy is the most important thing to attract attention. If a parent has an order or a favor and the child is already obsessed with something else and is not in a position to empathize with it, then the child is more likely not to respond to the parent's wishes. Also, a child may not be in a position to listen to parents. Most families need time for themselves. Especially when you are in a repetitive situation. If the child is in this environment, he usually does not want to hang out with his family, and he does not even communicate with his brothers and sisters. Often there are elements that distract attention, so you often do not hear your parents properly.

The Power of Technology

Technology has enabled everyone to live a convenient and comfortable life. One click with a finger makes everyone connect, which is superficial because it was created on the Internet rather than personal. In addition, the emergence of social networks has created an environment that focuses on instant gratification rather than spending time with precious family members.

Parents are busy with various things, so they are in the same situation for children. Many electronic devices are depriving people of their focus through sound and video, and e-mail and message alerts also stop their work and spend their time on electronic devices. If the children lack personal communication or empathy, they tend to concentrate more on their cell phones because they are made to think that they are okay with the blurring of concentration.

The problem in modern society also arises from the fact that everyone has to multitask. Failure to focus entirely on what is in front of you also affects the quality of work, but not being able to focus on children and not giving enough attention also affects it. Pre-kpages One article says that children do not focus on their teachers at school because they do not concentrate at home. Most teachers set up strategies to get children to listen, because every child has different behaviors. Teachers need to know what inclinations students have and identify what each student really wants to learn. Scientifically speaking, if children are poorly focused, they should engage in an ongoing commitment to focus attention.

So, what is the solution?

As a parent, it is true that children should know better than anyone else. Let's see what children really want and what they want to participate in. If the child does not pay attention to what is needed, the child will also not pay attention to the parents. Communication must be clear at all times so that the child can know exactly what the parents want. Keep in mind that it is not easy for parents who can not communicate to listen to the answers they want.

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