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If you are a parent who has just graduated from elementary and high school and has just entered college, you may face another problem. Whether or not your child is well adapted to college life. In particular, universities may have difficulty adapting because they need a completely different learning method, teaching method and lifestyle than the previous school system. Especially time management is one of the most important factors, and proper time management is required to follow many different subjects on time. Failure to manage properly can cause problems such as delayed academic work or failure to finalize the project. This can lead to physical or mental stress as well as health issues.

Let's look at the importance of time delay management and the role of parents in college students.

Jinx of college students, postpone task

In fact, deferring schoolwork or task may seem seemingly lazy, but even highly organized and dedicated students can have this habit. It is most prominent in students because of several factors that call for delayed habits. According to a 2007 survey, 80-90% of college students have a habit of constantly delaying their studies, especially in projects and assignments.

In 1995, Joseph Ferrari, Judith Johnson, and William McCoyne, who wrote a book called Delay and Work Avoidance, revealed that there are major perceptual distortions that lead to academic delays. For example, students underestimate the time it takes to complete certain tasks. On the other hand, it is analyzed that the remaining time tends to overestimate the task performance.

Another important factor related to academic delays is self-doubt. When students perform certain tasks, they think that they can not do it properly. In addition to this, some of the reasons for putting off some habits are disclosed as follows.

* Lack of awareness of results: Some students have an uncertainty about the specific tasks they are trying to do and the consequences of not doing so. It is important to learn on your own because you have not learned how to fulfill your responsibilities at an early age. For example, avoiding the habit of posting and posting a day's work and waking up the importance of time management.

* Psychology to Avoid: Some students also have a curious psychology that nothing will happen without the assignment or task assigned to them. At this time, parents should teach their children to understand the value of carrying out their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions.

* Fear of wrong: Sometimes I postpone work because I fear I will fail because I can not work properly. Because they have doubts about their abilities or skills, they are consequently avoiding a given task.

In addition, delayed behaviors related to study may be developed for a number of reasons. Especially today, digital devices and social media can be easily distracted and distracted, and at this point, you have to develop your ability to manage these obstacles and distractions yourself. For example, you can train yourself to do what you need to do first and then enjoy other activities.

Aside from the habit of putting off work, Bruce W. Tuckman and Dennis A. Abri, author of "Learning and Motivational Strategies: A Guide to Success," do not know what to do or do not know what to do, The habit of putting it off to the last minute, and the illusion of believing that it would be better if pressure was given.

To avoid the habit of putting off

But the most important problem is that putting off these tasks or projects is bad for mental health. According to a study in 2007, students with postponement habits showed higher levels of stress and illness than students who did not. In fact, some people appear to be very routinely present, for example, these delayed habits are already part of life. According to a study conducted by Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago, 20 percent of adults with this behavior are chronically chronic. Their major delinquency was mostly part of the routine, such as late billing or late attendance at the meeting.

In this regard, we introduce some alternatives to prevent habits and behavior.

• Understanding the child's perfectionism: In fact, the inclination of perfectionism involves deferring work. Parents should be able to lower the expectations and goals of their children so they can help their children perform their tasks properly.

* Completing from a small one: To avoid delayed behavior, it is a good idea to provide a short, specific schedule so that you can complete it easily.

Psychologist Lisa D. Singer emphasized the value of time management in this regard. Allow your child to recognize the time on their own and then limit their time to day-to-day work. This way, you can develop the ability to systematically build time management, and you can learn how to finish work within the time limit. It is also possible to estimate how much time will be spent on each task alone without the parent's instruction.

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