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Tim Farnum of Colorado and PAUS, an anti-minority smartphone group, are proposing a national ballot initiative that bans the sale of smartphones for children under the age of 13.

USA Today reported last week that retailers want to report monthly on this report and to penalize people who repeatedly sell smartphones to minors.

Defining the age at which a child can have a smartphone is not a perfect solution.

The official said that good parenting means that children are not addicted to the screen and can enjoy the analog world.

Last fall, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced new guidelines for the ban on the use of children's media, including smartphones.

Children between the ages of 2 and 5 should be limited to one hour a day with a "high quality" program, and children over the age of six should be restricted from watching time so that they do not affect sleep or other physical activity.

He added that it is good to have "no media" time with his children and a "no media" place in the house.

In fact, many parents responded negatively to the initiative because children could buy a child's mobile phone despite age restrictions.

However, the measure said some parents would be a way to get help.

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