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When a headache is severe, it is assumed that the cause is just stress, and the headache is solved by taking a headache medicine or a pain medicine. Nevertheless, the head is stingy and tired, and I am sick because I did not really know the cause of the headache. Learn about various causes of headache and how to treat headaches that are good for headaches such as headache.

Causes of Headache

Headache is a chemical that causes inflammation, which occurs when the nerve fibers in the brain are sensitive to pain and blood vessels are fixed. Causes of headaches include stress, as well as drinking, sleeping disorders, and bad eating habits. Drinking can be the cause of headaches if you have had analgesics to relieve headaches when your head hurts with hangover the day after drinking. These bad habits hinder the circulation of the body and make headaches worse. In particular, lower temperatures can lead to more headaches. As the temperature drops, the muscles and blood vessels of the body contract, causing headaches due to impaired blood circulation in the brain.

How to treat headaches when you have headaches

It is possible to take a headache medicine or a painkiller, but overdosing of a headache medicine and a painkiller may cause side effects such as gastrointestinal diseases, liver burden, and aggravation of pain. When your head is sore, it is helpful to eat good foods that are effective in blood circulation such as sweet potato, beet, pepper, and garlic so that the blood circulates smoothly to the brain. If you work long sitting, it is good to smooth the blood circulation through the neck stretching the neck shoulder. In particular, in the case of tension headache, which is one of the symptoms of sleep deprivation, neck and shoulder stretching can be effective for treating headache. As stress is the root cause of headaches, relieving stress by solving your own stress is also one of the ways to treat headaches.

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