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Health Day News, a research team at the University of Minnesota, is studying ways to treat glioblastomas in dogs, and this could be the key to understanding fatal brain cancer in both dogs and humans Reported.

According to WebMD, malignant brain glioma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults and is known to be an untreatable cancer. This type of brain tumor can occur in both dogs and humans.

"The goal is to find a treatment for malignant brain glioma that occurs in dogs, and I expect it to be used in the development of treatment for humans in the future," said Leedsfluhaha, a professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Minnesota. Most dogs with malignant pneumocysts are euthanized after diagnosis.

The study will be conducted on 30 dogs suffering from malignant brain disease for the purpose of understanding the mechanism of onset and improving vaccines and gene therapy.

Celebrities who have suffered from malignant brain disease include Senator John McCain, who is currently being treated, and Ted Kennedy, who died in 2009. According to reports, people with malignant glioma have a limited survival period after treatment.

University of Pennsylvania researchers have succeeded in extending the lifespan of dogs with vaccines and gene therapy using canine tumor cells through prior studies, but did not completely cure the disease.

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