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The symptoms of bird diseases and their causes were found to be the key to maintaining the health of birds.

Birds also need proper care, nutrition and protection, just like other pets. In addition, appropriate measures should be taken to avoid diseases, parasites and viruses.

But if you do not have the right information, you will not be able to provide suitable food and shelter for birds. Therefore, it is good to be familiar with the diseases and symptoms to be introduced from now on.


One of the most common bird diseases is Salmonella. When infected with Salmonella, bacteria are parasitized in the bird's internal organs. As a result, birds' feathers are wrinkled and look helpless and diarrhea. In the worst case, it can become infected with Salmonella and die one to three days later.

The disease is infectious and can be transmitted through feces to healthy birds that are raised together because of an infected bird. In addition, the bigger problem is that Salmonella can be transmitted to humans.

In other words, people who contact sick or dead birds can also become infected with Salmonella. Therefore, if you need to deal with sick birds, you should protect yourself by wearing gloves. And do not forget to wash your hands after treatment.

Avian chickenpox

It is one of the highly contagious diseases transmitted by the virus. This disease can take birds as well as wild birds. Symptoms include lesions on the beak, mouth, eyelids, feet, and legs, but the rest may not be visible on the feathers.

Bird fever can be transmitted by direct contact with diseased birds or by mosquitoes that have swallowed the blood of infected birds. Bird pox is a recoverable disease, but it may lose birds if not treated immediately.

Polyoma virus

Poliomavirus is a disease in which a bird's tail or wing grows abnormally, and in the worst case it may not grow at all. Common symptoms include abnormal abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, diarrhea and paralysis.

Birds infected with this virus may not exhibit any external symptoms, but may be expressed by stress. Because this disease is also infectious, contact with infected birds is dangerous and the mortality rate is quite high. Therefore, if the bird is already infected, you should consult a veterinarian immediately.


Trichomoniasis caused by protozoa can take many species of birds. Trichomoniasis, a dangerous disease that affects more than a dozen of only one type of parasite, can be transmitted if any predator is fed a sick food.

Another type of trichomoniasis is caused by pain in the neck and mouth, making it impossible to eat anything. On the other hand, contaminated feed left by birds with this disease can become a source of pollution and should be removed immediately.

Wing tick

A common symptom of wing ticks is that the feathers are missing and the skin is exposed. It is an algae species that is susceptible to infectious diseases of the wing ticks. These birds are more likely to become infected with ticks when they pick feathers because their beak or claws do not reach the neck or head.

However, when treated immediately, feathers begin to grow normally within 14 to 21 days. On the other hand, when exposed directly to sunlight in the absence of hair, the area may turn black.


Aspergillosis is a type of fungal infectious disease that can be caused by wet grains, landfills or nesting material.

The alveoli of the birds and the mold spores inhaled through the lungs cause bronchitis and pneumonia, causing symptoms such as diarrhea and dyspnea. When Aspergillosis is caught, it continues to eat the feedstuff in the feeder till it dies.

Parietal enlargement

The underlying cause of enlargement of the parietal lobe is not yet known. Common symptoms of this disease include vomiting, loss of appetite, changes in excretion, and swelling or enlargement of the neck.

There are special treatments available for the disease. And veterinarians may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The disease may not show any symptoms until it reaches a severe condition.

Experts say, "If you know the symptoms of the disease in advance, you can check the bird's disease early or prevent it," he said. "You should find a reliable bird specialist soon after your discovery."

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