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Horses belong to livestock and are known to be able to recognize the surrounding environment. Horses can be very stressful if trafficked, moved, or busy, and placed in a noisy environment. On the other hand, research has been published that is helpful to people who are horses at home or on the farm. According to a new study, aromatherapy helps relieve stress in horses. Aromatherapy is a way to improve the health of the mind and body by using natural oils. According to Pet MD's article, aromatherapy actually helps relieve horse pain.

Aromatherapy is effective for stressed horses

This study investigated whether aromatherapy could be used to calm and soothe stressed speech. In previous studies, the researchers studied the effectiveness of aromatherapy in stressful situations. At that time, researchers sprayed lavender fragrance in the air to the horses under study in a noisy environment where car horns were ringing. The horses peaked at the car horn, but the heartbeat immediately returned to normal after inhaling air with lavender scent.

In a new study entitled "The Effect of Aromatherapy on Horse Heart Rate Variability," the researchers measured the sedative effect of lavender after removing stressors. I also confirmed that lavender can actually relax the horse.

"One of the parameters of heart rate variability is RMSSD (heart rate variability), which is about the parasympathetic nervous system, the relaxation part in the autonomic nervous system," said Professor of Physiology at the University of Arizona. Raising RMSSD means that the horse is in a relaxed state. We confirmed that RMSSD levels were significantly elevated at baseline when horses were given lavender scents. "

This study does not measure whether aromatherapy can calm the words of pain, but it studies whether aromatherapy using lavender can actually relax the horse.

Lavender fragrance, relaxation and soothing effect

The researchers conducted a variety of horse breeds and ages at small paddock fields. And the ranch was equipped with a lavender essential oil diffuser for use at any time. We then observed heart rhythm and heart rate variability in the horse for a total of 21 minutes. After using the diffuser and after attaching the diffuser to the nose of the horse, and after removing the diffuser, I spent 7 minutes each for each of the three stages I constructed.

The researchers said the horse was able to relax and soothe itself if actively lavender scented. He also showed that he was doing things like relaxing his head, licking or chewing his head. But when the lavender diffuser was removed, the soothing effect ceased. The researchers also conducted another study using chamomile and water vapor that did not produce sedative effects similar to lavender.

The researchers predicted that the findings would be of considerable help in riding the world. Baldwin said some horses do not like horseshoeing. Therefore, the lavender effect can be seen when performing horseshoe surgery. And without the diffuser, he said, he would apply the lavender oil on his hands and make the horse smell it.

Some facts and efficacy about lavender

- Lavender grows in North American and Mediterranean mountainous areas and is used as an essential oil extract.

- The medical efficacy of lavender for anxiety symptoms, fungal infections, hair loss, and wound healing has already been proven.

- Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is effective for mild burns and insect bite wounds. It can also be used for pets.

- Lavender is also effective in anxiety, insomnia and depression.

- Lavender cars help with digestive problems such as vomiting, nausea, gas, indigestion, and abdominal swelling.

- Lavender can be used for pain relief such as headache, sprains, and toothache. And prevent hair loss. That's why most hair products contain lavender.

- Lavender also helps calm puppies. Can be used when the puppy is stressed.

- Lavender shampoo for dogs helps relieve stress. While the soothing properties of lavender oil suppress the dog's nerves, the healing properties moisturize the hair and relieve skin itching.

- Lavender is also effective against insect control.

The horse is constantly in a state of stress, such as moving to a trailer, taking a bath, getting a vet's checkup, or healing a hoof. The researchers suggested that lavender could be used as a safe and better substitute for sedatives that calms the horse.

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