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Reptile lovers will be greatly pleased if they have access to the knowledge they need to know the gender of the lizard.

The first thing to look at is the lizard head. Male lizards have larger heads and bodies than female lizards.

Male lizards must fight and defeat other lizards to occupy a larger territory. Therefore, the skull is larger than the female.

Second, you should see the color of the lizard. Males have a sharper color than females. Just as male birds seduce female birds with brilliant color, male lizards also have distinct and colorful colors to attract females.

For example, a lizard looks attractive and tempting, like a bird whose color is lighter than that of a female.

The male western fence lizard has the nickname "blue boat" because there is a blue pattern on the boat side.

When this lizard tempts females or fights for territory, the male western fence lizard lifts up and shows off the blue pattern on the boat. Female western fence lizard has the same pattern, but color is not as clear as male.

Third, horns, protrusions and fur can be observed. These anatomically decorated lizards are likely to be males. For example, male iguanas have larger fins at the base of the mouth and neck. This body decoration is used to attract females and scare their competitors.

Male lizards often have a few protrusions on the base of the hind legs and secrete hormones here. Females have no or small protuberance.

Male lizards have genitals just like normal male animals. However, the lizard has two penis and penis. This is a protrusion on the tail.

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