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When we think about pigs, we think of everything like bacon, pork barbecue, and roast pork.

But there are a lot more new facts about pigs than just pigs coming to our table.

According to a study published in today's psychology paper, pigs have unique and individual characteristics.

Pigs also express various emotions. Experts have argued that pigs, including elephants, dolphins and chimpanzees, are among the 5 most intelligent animals.

Pigs basically use sound as a means of communication. There are about 20 sounds that pigs use to communicate. Pigs can recognize each other, like physical contact, and form close ties.

Unlike many people think, pigs do not overeat and only eat food until they are full.

Although they like to soak in the mud, pigs are actually clean animals. Pigs pay a certain amount of attention to cleanliness when they are located far from the area where they are defecating.

Breeding pigs are sometimes aggressively altered when they are stimulated from the outside or when they want to keep the piglets.

Pigs can easily learn tricks like dogs and even learn faster than dogs. Studies show that pigs have good memory and remember old things they have not seen.

Scientists at the University of Illinois have found that pigs prefer certain temperatures.

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