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How do you pair a snake that represents a legless reptile?

People are always wondering exactly how the snakes mate, but they are actually quite simple.

Female snake horns usually occur 1-2 times a year. During the estrus period, it emits a specific odor or pheromone to inform the male snakes of their position.

The male snakes take the smell emitted by the female snake and flock around. Instead of competing to take up females, males approach the female snake, noticing who is best appealing to the female.

The male snake touches the female lightly or crawls on it and throws the lurch. To find out who throws the best lips at this time, the males crawl on the females in turn until one of them successfully wraps the female tail.

In the excreta of the tail, there is a stool but also a reproductive fluid.

Most animals have only one reproductive organ that emits sperm, but snakes have two reproductive organs responsible for sperm.

Females can store sperm for five years and may decide to become pregnant after mating.

If a male has two genitals, she has two female sperm pockets.

The female decides which male to get pregnant with after mating.

Mating time usually ends in just one hour, but some species last throughout the day.

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