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A team of researchers from Edinburgh University said they discovered 91 volcanoes beneath the glacier as a result of a comprehensive study of the gorges in the western Antarctic.

The researchers found 178 conical structures in an in-depth analysis of the area, and 138 of these structures were volcanic rocks that were not previously found under the ice sheet.

This discovery has increased the likelihood that the Antarctic West Gorge will cross the volcanic ridge of East Africa and overtake the world's highest dense volcano.

In an interview with the Guardian magazine, glacier expert Robert Bingham stressed the importance of "active volcano activity".

Glaciers in the western Antarctica make the volcanic activity and its range limited and sporadic, due to the comprehensive ice cover.

However, understanding of glacier activity across the globe is important. The team considered the effects of volcanic activity and ground bumps on glacier growth and previous glacial circulation, and on the effects of geothermal heat flux on the post-glacial melting of the Antarctic West Glacier instability.

They also collected glacier drift data to find conical structures that protruded upward over the western hemisphere.

An analysis of the data collected by the team found that volcanic activity beneath the icebergs in western Antarctica. There are 138 volcanoes, of which 91 have never been discovered before and are distributed widely in the deep waters of the western Antarctic. Especially in the Antarctic western canyon, along a central axis of more than 3000 km.

Volcanoes over 12,000 feet in height can melt huge amounts of ice in a short time.

"If the volcano erupts, the sea level will rise tremendously, and global tsunamis can happen," Ignum warned.

Although the extent of the volcanic activity that has yet to be uncovered is unknown, scientists are constantly monitoring new earthquakes and exploring further topics in the region through new research.

Mike Coffin, a researcher at the University of Tasmania's Marine and Antarctic Research Institute, said: "This is an important piece of information to understand the earth's crustal processes that occur under Antarctic ice sheets. Magnetic field, gravity, and satellite imagery will be very informative for digital altitude modeling and existing volcano databases and will be a stepping stone for many studies on Antarctica. "

Photo Source: Flickr
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